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Monday, January 3, 2011

Streaking to Triple Digits!

Happy New Year everyone!

To start off this new year, I've been busy discovering the joys of winter caching while carrying my cache-a-day streak to 100! My thanks to everyone that has winter-friendly and kind of winter-friendly caches out there for me to chase down. It's been a crazy trip chasing down WSQs, ECs, virtuals and anything else that strikes my fancy. What started out back in September as a short streak managed to take on a life of it's own. It's a good thing that there are so many caches around Madison!

During these last few months, I've discovered that I am addicted to Challenge Caches. I really enjoy having something to work towards while I'm tracking down caches. Although at the moment, I'm working on about a dozen different challenges which can make selecting which caches to go after a challenge all its own.

Here are my favorites that I'm working on currently:
GC1JMFGDeLorme Challenge: Unique Natural Features
GC2HW2QIt's Not About the Traditionals - Challenge Cache
GC23R28Ivory-billed Woodpecker Challenge
GC2D6N8Wisconsin Classic Rocks, Hikes & Hides Challenge
GC2C4J0Wisconsin Rustic Road Challenge

Here's looking forward to many more caches for 2011! Hope everyone has fun out there.

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